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[RELz] Fallout Script Extender (FOSE) v1

PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 6:26 pm
by Big mike
I know, I'm not :) It was just in case he had a similar situation to mine, one where he couldn't really wait.
Once the plugin architecture will be out, I might release it that way (although most of the stuff are really specific to my project).

[RELz] Fallout Script Extender (FOSE) v1

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 6:41 am
by Bonnie Clyde
With the SetIsControl command, am I right in thinking that it only flags a key as a custom control, rather than actually binding a Fallout 3 control to that key?

If so, how is the controlCode parameter used?


And another stupid question... how does one cancel a SetIsControl?

[RELz] Fallout Script Extender (FOSE) v1

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 2:29 am
by Far'ed K.G.h.m
With the SetIsControl command, am I right in thinking that it only flags a key as a custom control, rather than actually binding a Fallout 3 control to that key?

If so, how is the controlCode parameter used?


And another stupid question... how does one cancel a SetIsControl?

Right, SetIsControl lets one mod inform other mods that it is using a specific key or mouse button as a custom control; modders can check GetIsControl to detect and prevent conflicts.
There is no controlCode param.
(nothing) SetIsControl keyCode:short isControl:bool

keyCode is the scan code of the key/mouse button.
To unregister a key as a control pass 0 for the second param.

[RELz] Fallout Script Extender (FOSE) v1

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 10:28 am
by Rob Smith
Right, SetIsControl lets one mod inform other mods that it is using a specific key or mouse button as a custom control; modders can check GetIsControl to detect and prevent conflicts.
There is no controlCode param.
(nothing) SetIsControl keyCode:short isControl:bool

keyCode is the scan code of the key/mouse button.
To unregister a key as a control pass 0 for the second param.

Ok, thanks. I was going by the on the FOSE site, which says
Alias: none
Return Type: Bool
Opcode: 0x1462 (5218)
Condition Function: No
Introduced In: 1
Calling Convention: B
Description: Flags a key or mouse button as a control, allowing modders to define custom controls - other scripts can then use IsControl to detect conflicts in which two mods try to use the same key for different actions.

Is there other documentation elsewhere? I couldn't see it linked to on the main site.

[RELz] Fallout Script Extender (FOSE) v1

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 12:59 am
by Jack
Ok, thanks. I was going by the on the FOSE site, which says

Is there other documentation elsewhere? I couldn't see it linked to on the main site.

Check FOSE and OBSE share a lot of the code base so there is quite a bit of function overlap, and OBSE has a more verbose readme.

[RELz] Fallout Script Extender (FOSE) v1

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 2:41 am
by Cesar Gomez
I'm not sure this is the right place to ask but, while I can script in vanilla okay, I'm not a hugely talented scripter and FOSE looks real complicated so...

How would I use GetCrosshairRef in a script?

I pretty much want the player to hover over an item, then the script comes back as true that I've got my crosshair over a reference and a message is displayed (not a message box, the messages such as radiation and radio signals. Not sure if its possible to do this. If not a message box is fine.)

Thanks in advance for you help.

[RELz] Fallout Script Extender (FOSE) v1

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 2:30 am
by x a million...

[RELz] Fallout Script Extender (FOSE) v1

PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 7:49 pm
by ruCkii
I've updated the loader so it can work with the FPS limiter D3D hook. Download available at Add the command line argument -fpslimit 30 to limit the frame rate to 30FPS. For the option to work, you'll need to copy Limiter_D3D9.dll and HookHelper.dll from the FPS_Limiter install in to the Fallout folder.

[RELz] Fallout Script Extender (FOSE) v1

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 2:52 am
by Travis
Check FOSE and OBSE share a lot of the code base so there is quite a bit of function overlap, and OBSE has a more verbose readme.

Thanks, that's very useful.

It still leaves the question, though, if the two documents differ is it because the FOSE document is wrong or because the functionality has changed? While there's a lot of overlap between FOSE and OBSE, they are two different things.

I perfectly understand why the FOSE documentation is very brief (for goodness' sake, verbose documentation can take weeks!), but scruggsywuggsy's response to my question showed that the FOSE document was simply wrong - hopefully just one little mistake that got overlooked and that will be fixed as soon as they have a bit of breathing space.

[RELz] Fallout Script Extender (FOSE) v1

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 2:20 am
by Elizabeth Falvey
I've solved my freezing problem. For now at least. I need to more extensive testing (playing :)).

Fallout would not only freeze during play but it would also freeze when trying to exit the game, forcing me to use Task Manager to end it.
I had 2 options in my Fallout.ini file that seemed to cause the problem. I don't know which one and frankly I don't care right now.

"bUseThreadedAI" and "bMultiThreadAudio." Setting them both to '0' fixed it.

Sorry for the mix up guys. :(
I can now play my favorite mod again :celebration:

[RELz] Fallout Script Extender (FOSE) v1

PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 9:52 pm
by Niisha
Both those settings are apparently good for performance though. :sadvaultboy:

[RELz] Fallout Script Extender (FOSE) v1

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 1:27 am
by Strawberry
I'd like to carry over my badly placed request in the Minimap thread: A use case for SetUIFloat/SetUIString. Can't find a single thing on google about either, and it'd be great to see how to make a simple number appear (That isn't there by default) and change it, or a string.

[RELz] Fallout Script Extender (FOSE) v1

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 12:03 am
by Oscar Vazquez
SetUIString "HUDMainMenu\Bonanza\textelement1\string" "Bonanaza"SetUIFloat  "HUDMainMenu\Bonanza\user2" 200set myVar to GetUIFloat "HUDMainMenu\Bonanza\user2"

[RELz] Fallout Script Extender (FOSE) v1

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 5:39 am
by Kevin Jay
SetUIString "HUDMainMenu\Bonanza\textelement1\string" "Bonanaza"   SetUIFloat  "HUDMainMenu\Bonanza\user2" 200   set myVar to GetUIFloat "HUDMainMenu\Bonanza\user2"

Thanks DarN. That's pretty much what I expected actually setting the values to be like, good to know I wasn't doing that part wrong.

It still leaves the part of actually making user2/textelement1 in the xml. Was there a tutorial or even a xmlui ref buried somewhere that I missed? It's right up your alley, but I'd rather take a glance at a reference/doc than bother you or spend a few more hours c/p'ing xml elements in the extracted ui around to figure it out. :X

[RELz] Fallout Script Extender (FOSE) v1

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 5:13 am
by GabiiE Liiziiouz
I'm not aware of any docs, so here a snippet:

<menu name="HUDMainMenu">	<class> &HUDMainMenu; </class>	......snip......	<rect name="Bonanza">		<user2> 2.0 </user2>		...		<text name="textelement1">			<string></string>		</text>	</rect>	......snip......</menu>

This is the basic required structure for the example I posted before. Read the menu files - you'll learn a lot. :)

[RELz] Fallout Script Extender (FOSE) v1

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 10:45 am
by Lil Miss
I'm not aware of any docs, so here a snippet:

<menu name="HUDMainMenu">	 <class> &HUDMainMenu; </class>	 ......snip......	 <rect name="Bonanza">		 <user2> 2.0 </user2>		 ...		 <text name="textelement1">			 <string></string>		 </text>	 </rect>	 ......snip...... </menu>

This is the basic required structure for the example I posted before. Read the menu files - you'll learn a lot. :)

Thanks a bunch, DarN. Hopefully I won't have to use durability as a charge meter much longer >_>

[RELz] Fallout Script Extender (FOSE) v1

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 9:12 am
by Philip Lyon
Excuse me, but where are the DLC's located so I can move them?

[RELz] Fallout Script Extender (FOSE) v1

PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 7:55 pm
by jaideep singh
Just to keep bothering you guys :P... do you have any idea when FOSE v2 will be out, and if it'll have cloneform working?

[RELz] Fallout Script Extender (FOSE) v1

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 7:52 am
by Benji
Excuse me, but where are the DLC's located so I can move them?

C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Xlive\DLC for XP
C:\Users\User Name\AppData\Local\Microsoft\XLive\DLC for Vista

[RELz] Fallout Script Extender (FOSE) v1

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 7:00 am
by maria Dwyer
Just to keep bothering you guys :P... do you have any idea when FOSE v2 will be out, and if it'll have cloneform working?

Don't think we have an ETA for v2 at this point. The patch/update situation with Bethesda has us at a bit of an impasse - another update is inevitable before release of the third DLC.
Saving of cloned forms is already implemented but not exposed as we still need to implement loading of those forms (trickier). It's definitely near the top of the todo list.

[RELz] Fallout Script Extender (FOSE) v1

PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 9:00 pm
by Cartoon
Here's an update fixing crashes when manipulating UI tile data in 1.4.6 and 1.4.6b:

[RELz] Fallout Script Extender (FOSE) v1

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 6:29 am
by Kelly Upshall
It's definitely near the top of the todo list.

Right below string vars eh? ;)

Here's an update fixing crashes when manipulating UI tile data in 1.4.6 and 1.4.6b:

Works like a charm. :) There's a 1.4.6b?

[RELz] Fallout Script Extender (FOSE) v1

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 5:48 am
by Yonah
Works like a charm. :) There's a 1.4.6b?

It's a made-up name I gave to the other version of 1.4.6 that was built at a later date and released to some regions in Europe as well as Steam. US = 1.4.6, Steam/Austria/Germany/Italy/probably other places that haven't been reported to me or I don't remember off the top of my head = 1.4.6b. Not sure if there are any useful differences between the two versions.

[RELz] Fallout Script Extender (FOSE) v1

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 6:55 am
by Veronica Martinez :D

[RELz] Fallout Script Extender (FOSE) v1

PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 8:46 pm
by Mel E
Do want D:

(Partly to look at your code for teh learnings <_<)