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FO-1, Ian the coward

PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 5:01 am
by Robyn Howlett
Started a new character, now that I understand the game a little better. So I've got Ian and Dogmeat tagging along with me, and we head to the Necropolis to get the chip. When we climb out of the sewer and take on the head super mutant, Ian yells "retreat!" and runs away! Then when we go down into the vault for the chip, he runs at the first sight of the glow in the dark ghouls!! Some back-up fighter he turned out to be. I was able to kill everything on my own, thanks to the combat shotgun. If he keeps wimping out on me I'm going to send him back to his Shady Sands retirement home!!

FO-1, Ian the coward

PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 11:21 am
by Maddy Paul
huh, i dont remember him doing this to me, but at least Dogmeat stuck with ya!

FO-1, Ian the coward

PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 2:32 am
by Batricia Alele
He'd just burst fire you in the back anyway.

FO-1, Ian the coward

PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 11:23 am
by Neko Jenny
It sounds like his HP is low. You might want to examine him.

Its either that, or he knows the Fo2 manual says that he died there..

FO-1, Ian the coward

PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 12:25 pm
by Haley Cooper
I always gave Ian the Pistol that was cut down from a rifle. or a Mag so he couldn't burst fire me. But on topic I've seen more shameful acts of Ian. The one that sticks with me most is when I'm about to kill Garl and he lands a critical hit//miss missing Garl and doing 73 points or so of damage to me when I had just healed (He lost his SMG privs after that btw)

FO-1, Ian the coward

PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 5:04 am
by Nany Smith
Seems like Ian needs to be patched up! Use your awesome doctor and medecine skills to heal his wounds.

I always gave Ian the Pistol that was cut down from a rifle. or a Mag so he couldn't burst fire me. But on topic I've seen more shameful acts of Ian. The one that sticks with me most is when I'm about to kill Garl and he lands a critical hit//miss missing Garl and doing 73 points or so of damage to me when I had just healed (He lost his SMG privs after that btw)

Damn that Ian! He's indeed very dangerous with a SMG. He once bursted Tycho down by accident. Tycho lost his head, right arm and half of his torso. Then I bursted Ian with my Minigun for revenge. ;)

FO-1, Ian the coward

PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 1:49 pm
by Lisa Robb
Ian got his reward when we went to rescue the BoS hostage, the bad guys cut him down pretty quick. He only scored critical hits about 1/10 of the time anyway.

FO-1, Ian the coward

PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 4:51 am
by Damien Mulvenna
I like Ian : ).
I always give him the .223 pistol, he has two shots per round and does 50 damage per round on average.That is awesome.And he rarely shots me or Tycho.

Tycho is also cool - combat shotgun and its just great.Plus with awesome NPC mod its possible to give them armor, etc., so they are really really useful.

Me, Ian, Tycho and Dogmeat - the squad of AWESOME.

Too bad that followers do not work in 3D because of pathfinding, I hated Dogmeat and that BoS chick I got in FO3.So I had to be a loner.

FO-1, Ian the coward

PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 2:36 am
by jessica robson
Where do you find Tycho in Fallout 1?

FO-1, Ian the coward

PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 6:36 am
by Sophie Louise Edge
Dude, I remember Ian... I could never really see his name (you can't tell if it's an I or an L), so I always called him "Lame" :). I'd just stand as far away (or behind him) and he burst with his SMG, and I'd pick them off with my plasma rifle. I learned that after he damn near killed me (2 hp) when we were fighting deathclaws. Good times.

FO-1, Ian the coward

PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 7:56 am
by Emily Rose
Where do you find Tycho in Fallout 1?

To obtain Tycho, the player must head to Junktown and be at the Skum Pitt located in the far North Eastern part of the city at 5 o' clock. He will join you indefinitely if you have taken on Killian's quest to deal with Gizmo. This info is from
(so maybe during the quest to deal with Gizmo head to the Skum pit and recruit him[It has been awhile since I recruited him])

FO-1, Ian the coward

PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 6:07 am
by ashleigh bryden
Started a new character, now that I understand the game a little better. So I've got Ian and Dogmeat tagging along with me, and we head to the Necropolis to get the chip. When we climb out of the sewer and take on the head super mutant, Ian yells "retreat!" and runs away! Then when we go down into the vault for the chip, he runs at the first sight of the glow in the dark ghouls!! Some back-up fighter he turned out to be. I was able to kill everything on my own, thanks to the combat shotgun. If he keeps wimping out on me I'm going to send him back to his Shady Sands retirement home!!

I have only used him twice and each time he got killed after two or three encounters

FO-1, Ian the coward

PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 8:58 am
by Andy durkan
Good that in FO2 you can set the AI for your companions.